Allow us to introduce ourselves…

Gandhi Kinderhilfe e.V. (Bijoyendu Memorial Institute) was brought to life by the citizens of Bad Camberg, Germany in 1999 to make a better, more humanitarian life possible for the children, the disabled and women in need in the Calcutta region, who are among the poorest people in the world.

Mr Bidhan Roy, an Indian, is the chairman and co-founder of Gandhi Kinderhilfe and has lived in Germany since 1961. All activities are planned and carried out by volunteers and members of the organization.

This means that all donations, membership fees, sponsorship money and money made from the sale of goods produced in India are directly and fully used for the realization of projects in India.

Mr Roy oversees the progress of work and the success of the projects on location himself. He maintains constant contact with the helpers in India and the families which are supported by the organization.

On the following pages we will describe some current and future projects that are cared for and realized by our organization.
The Gandhi Kinderhilfe is registered as a public charity and is a founding member of the Hessian State Network for Development Politics, a collaboration of aid organizations in Hessen, Germany. We work together with Pro Interplast Seligenstadt to realize the medical projects.


It all started with 7 members. The first sponsorships for Indian school children are mediated. The donations will be used to set up a sewing workshop for widowed women.


Activities of the members of the association (book stand, information stands at events in Bad Camberg) ensure a steady increase in sponsorships.

The school education of the children is supported in the form of additional lessons directly in the facility.

Medical Center
A medical center is opened at the institute in Jemo, which is open to the public in order to be able to offer basic medical care. An ambulance can also be purchased with a donation from the German consulate in Calcutta.
The orphanage is opened, the first 20 half and full orphans now live in Jemo. These are cared for by 5 sisters and a home director.
Self help

Our self-help offers are expanded: In addition to Ritschen, farmers receive a microcredit to purchase dairy cows.
The partial repayment ensures the children in the facility in Jemo a daily ration of fresh cow's milk.

The focus in 2011 is the establishment of the vocational training center under the direction of Mrinmay Trivedy - a former resident. State-recognized certificates can be obtained: nursing, electrician, beautician, computer.

In addition to the additional lessons for the students from class 5, the primary school students are also being considered, the establishment of classes 1 - 2 is initially planned.

But because of Corona we have to postpone these plans for now.

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