Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe – Förderung der Selbstständigkeit

Sewing workshop

The association is also involved in a vocational training center where around 15 young women who are widowed or who have been abandoned by their husbands or who have been banished from the home learn to sew and do handicrafts. The women are only allowed to stay at the institute for a maximum of one year, after which they have to make room for those who move up. This is usually not a problem, since they have learned so much in the meantime that they can earn money for their own living with the sewing machine made available to them.

A sewing machine can be obtained for 90 euros and given to a successful graduate of the tailor’s training course to start her career.
As a personal contribution and appreciation of the donation, the sponsored women have to pay back a small amount of the sewing machine over time.

Viele Frauen am bodensitzend in der Nähschule
Indischer Bauer mit einer hellbraunen Kuh

Give a family a dairy cow

For 350 euros you can pre-finance a dairy cow for a family. Cows are a significant purchase in this rural region where most people earn their living from farming. The Indian cows give about 10-12 liters of milk per day.

The family will give 4 liters of this to the Gandhi Children’s Aid every day in order to cover the milk needs of the orphans and the disabled. The cow becomes the property of the farmer as soon as approx. 75% of the purchase price has been paid back in the form of milk levies.

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